Acronis True Image 電腦備份軟體(v11.0.0.8027)

Acronis True Image是繼Norton Ghost之後最受矚目的電腦檔案、系統備份軟體,跟以往系統備份方式不同的是,在使用Acronis True Image備份整個作業系統之前並不需要重新開機在DOS下執行,在完全不影響原本電腦的正長運作下,Acronis也可快速的完成整個作業系統的備份工作。


軟體名稱:Acronis True Image HOME家用版
軟體性質:試用版 (15天使用限制)
系統支援Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista





Acronis True Image 11.0版新功能:

Try&Decide (無風險測試環境)
Create a temporary, safe place on your hard disk where you can perform changes to your system that otherwise might not be advisable, such as installing new software, downloading files from the Internet, or opening e-mail attachments. If the operations are successful, you can apply those changes to the real system or discard the changes as you wish.


Exclude Files and Folders from Image Backup(可排除資料夾或檔案)
Save space when creating backups by ensuring that you are not backing up the information you don’t want to keep.


Backup your system state(備份重要系統組態)
Protect your registry, boot files, as well as important system files from system crashes.


Automatic catalog of all your backups(備份檔自動編目管理)
Easily locate your archives – the system automatically remembers their placement.


Raw Images support for supported and corrupted/unknown file systems.

One Reply to “Acronis True Image 電腦備份軟體(v11.0.0.8027)”

  1. 非常推薦此軟體,真的很好用,曾經下載中文家用的試用版,真的很方便,所以決定買了,很值得,必竟資料是無價的。


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