From Sunday 3rd July 2016, I don’t give FACEBOOK permission to use my pictures, my information or my publications, both of the past and the future, mine Or the ones where I appear. By this statement, I give my notice to FACEBOOK it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, give, sell my information, photos or take any other action against me on the basis of this profile and / or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308-1 1 308-103 and the Rome statute).
Note: FACEBOOK is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version.
If you do not publish a statement at least once, you’ve given the tacit agreement allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in the updates of state of profile.
Do not share. You have to copy & paste/ post
首先,所有FB的註冊使用者在註冊時都已經同意過FACEBOOK的授權條款,也就是說使用者與FACEBOOK 依據使用條款已經約定了如下內容:
FACEBOOK的使用者『擁有』在臉書發布的所有內容與資料,可透過隱私和應用程式設定管理分享內容方式。所以 FACEBOOK 並不會『擁有』這些內容權利。
根據 FACEBOOK 的隱私條款規定,使用者『授權』 FACEBOOK
有權發布或分享使用者的照片或其他資訊。內容包括FACEBOOK 獲得使用者非獨家、可轉讓、可再授權、免版稅的全球授權,並使用FACEBOOK 使用者發佈在FACEBOOK 或與 FACEBOOK 關聯的任何智財權內容。