[網路謠言] 自20xx年x月x日起,我不批准Facebook來用我的照片,我的信息及我的出版物,無論是過去和未來,我的還是我的地方出現的那些的許可。
最近 Facebook 又開始流傳下面這個可以算是謠言的東西:
From Friday 2nd July 2016, I don’t give Facebook permission to use my pictures, my information or my publications, both of the past and the future, mine Or the ones where I appear. By this statement, I give my notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, give, sell my information, photos or take any other action against me on the basis of this profile and / or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308-1 1 308-103 and the Rome statute).
Note: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version.
If you do not publish a statement at least once, you’ve given the tacit agreement allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in the updates of state of profile.
Do not share. You have to copy & paste/ post
當你註冊 Facebook 帳號是就表示 Facebook 有權複製、分發你的照片、資料跟訊息,除非你自己全部刪除或關閉 FB 帳號。你跟某人簽了合約,不能哪天隨便就跟第三人宣稱那份合約裡的某些項目無效,簽了合約就得符合合約要件才能終止,不是自己說了算。
Facebook 上面的使用條款的終止條件為:
如果您不遵守本協議或違反本協議的精神,或以其他方式對我們造成危害或可能的法律風險,我們有權停止向您提供全部或部分 Facebook 服務。我們將透過電子郵件或在您下次嘗試登入帳號時通知您。您也可以隨時刪除帳號或停用您的應用程式。在所有這些情況下,本協議將會終止,但仍然適用下列規定:2.2、2.4、3-5、9.3 及 14-18。
你不能單方面宣稱某條款無效,當你註冊、使用了 Facebook 帳號是就表示 Facebook 有權複製、分發你的照片、資料跟訊息…的內容,除非你全部刪除、停用帳號。
另外,你要使用一個網站,就得同意那個網站複製、分發… 你的資料或照片,你上傳照片的動作就是複制(不然上傳功能無法運作),你或你的朋友看到照片就是「分發(給你之外的第三人看到就是:分發/散佈)」,這是網站運作的基本原理,所有網站都會有相同或類似的條款。除非你完全不使用這網站、沒同意過使用條款,他才沒資格複製或分發你的照片或資料,否則就得同意(不然網站功能無法正常運作)。
意思是,如果你不希望 Facebook 怎樣怎樣的話,直接刪掉帳號最快。
Facebook 對於類似謠言的聲明:
You’re In Control
You may have seen a post telling you to copy and paste a notice to retain control over things you share on Facebook. Don’t believe it. Our terms say clearly: You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it’s shared through your privacy and application settings. That’s how it works, and this hasn’t changed.
You can visit Privacy Basics to find out more about who sees what you share on Facebook and other topics.
You can also read the Data Policy to find out what information we collect and how it is used and shared. We want you to be informed and in control of your experience on Facebook.