Facebook 大量蒐集 GPS 定位資訊後用機械學習「猜測」你可能認識的人 – Gea-Suan Lin’s BLOG
意思是,你的鄰居或同事有可能因為 GPS 定位的方式而發現你的 FB 帳號,然後把你加入。
在 Bruce Schneier 這邊看到「Facebook Using Physical Location to Suggest Friends」這則文章,引用自「Facebook is using your phone’s location to suggest new friends—which could be a privacy disaster」這篇報導,報導開頭寫著更新的資訊: Update (June 28): After twice confirming it used location to suggest new friends, Facebook now says it doesn’t currently use “location data, such as device location and location information you add to your profile, to suggest people you may know.” The company says it ran a brief test using location last
來源: Facebook 大量蒐集 GPS 定位資訊後用機械學習「猜測」你可能認識的人 – Gea-Suan Lin’s BLOG