筆記型電腦故障率:華碩第一、Lenovo 聯想次之、其後 HP, DELL, Samsung , 故障率最低為 Apple 筆電
筆記型電腦故障率:華碩第一、Lenovo 聯想次之、其後 HP, DELL, Samsung , 故障率最低為 Apple 筆電。
桌上型電腦故障率:華碩第一、HP 次之、其後 Dell, Samsung, Lenovo… 故障率最低為 Apple 電腦。
It’s popular to decry the “Apple tax” – the mythical premium Apple customers pay for Macs. But few look at the other side of the coins: what you get for your money. In Apple’s case: the best reliability and tech support.